Transmission shifting issues

  • 1999 HONDA CIVIC
  • 1.6L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 261,000 MILES
This morning my car had difficulty shifting and of course only got worse by the time I got home. At the beginning of my drive the car would get out of first and felt like it was fine but then getting into 3 it would do like a hiccup thing and get into whatever gear it would go to which I think it was third because it would shift one more time but perfectly fine. I dropped my lady off at work and proceeded to go home everything continued the way I just explained until the car wouldn’t even want to shift out of first it would just rev up to about 6,000 and I gave up trying to shift.
Thursday, May 7th, 2020 AT 11:30 AM

1 Reply

  • 109,951 POSTS

The first thing I have to ask is if the transmission fluid is clean and full? Do this first and let me know both the level and condition of the fluid. It should be a bright red. Here are the directions for checking. The two attached pics correlate with the directions.


1999 Honda Civic DX Sedan L4-1590cc 1.6L SOHC MFI
With A/T
Vehicle Maintenance Fluids Fluid - A/T Testing and Inspection Component Tests and General Diagnostics With A/T

CAUTION: Keep all of the foreign particles out of the transmission.

NOTE: Check the fluid level with the engine at normal operating temperature (the radiator fan comes on).

1. Park the vehicle on level ground. Turn off the engine.

Pic 1

2. Remove the dipstick (yellow loop) from the transmission, and wipe it with a clean cloth.
3. Insert the dipstick into the transmission.
4. Remove the dipstick and check the fluid level. It should be between the upper and lower marks.
5. If the level is below the lower mark, pour the recommended fluid* into the filler hole to bring it to the upper mark.

Pic 2

6. Insert the dipstick back into the transmission in the direction shown.


Let me know what you find.

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Thursday, May 7th, 2020 AT 7:56 PM

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