In your original post you said a fuse is blowing. Now you're saying they're all good. I don't know where to start. If a fuse keeps on blowing, I have a trick to help diagnose the cause, but I need to know which fuse it is first. That's what the drawing was for that I posted. Sometimes the fuse box cover is missing, or the fuses are poorly labeled. That's why I posted that drawing.
How did you check the fuses? The best way is with a test light. The smaller fuses have two tiny holes on top for test points.
If the fuses are okay, we have to move on to determining if the automatic shutdown, (ASD) relay is turning on during cranking. Test lights work best for this too. If you don't know how to use one, here's a link to an article that will help:
You need to back-probe through a connector, next to the wire, to make this test. Look for the dark green / orange stripe wire at the ignition coil pack or at any of the three injectors in the front of the engine. You should see the test light turn on full brightness for one second when a helper turns on the ignition switch. What's important is if that light turns on again during cranking the engine.
If the test light never turns on for that one second, or during cranking, will tell us where to go next.
Sunday, December 15th, 2019 AT 3:15 PM