Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 AT 11:33 AM
No diagnostic codes but it will show the message on the screen "starting system fault" or sometimes "no key detected". Lights on the dash sometimes flicker. If you try to start the car again right away it won't crank over the lights on the dash sometimes will come on and sometimes they don't! Usually car will restart within 10-20 minutes sometimes right away! Fuses, relays have been checked, battery is good and voltage is normal, has new fuel pump, problem was present prior to the new fuel pump. I tried 2 different keys which one of them is new makes no difference, tried disconnecting the battery for few minutes usually makes no difference. Also noticed while the car is not wanting to start it will not let you access some of the menu options as "my key" for example. I'm not sure but I'm suspecting something with anti theft or the ignition lock?