Saturday, November 5th, 2011 AT 8:12 PM
I was driving on the highway and my engine just died. I was driving along and all of a sudden I couldn't accellerate any more, The battery and oil lights came on on my dash even though the air, radio and lights were still working and I still have 2000 miles until my next oil change. I pulled the car to the side of the road and turned the car off. When I went to re-start it, it started just fine. When I made it home, I killed the engine and re-started it and it worked just fine. It's not the battery - anything that affects was working fine, and the last time I had an alternator problem in a car that drained the battery completely and I couldn't restart the car. I'm at a loss as to what's wrong. I'd like to have an idea before I take it into the dealership so I have some idea of what to expect.