6. Remove� the� lower� generator� boot� pin type� retainer, � fold� the� boot� upward� and� disconnect� the� generator� electrical� connector
7. With� the� generator� boot� folded� upward, � position� the� protective� cover� aside� and� remove� the� generator� B+� nut� and� terminal.
? To� install, � tighten� to� 8� Nm� (71� lb in).
8. NOTE: The� 3� generator� studs� and� nuts� may� be� replaced� with� 3� bolts� (W709986 S437)� to� ease� the� installation� of� the� gener
Remove� the� 3� generator� nuts� and� stud� bolts.
? To� install, � tighten� the� generator� stud� bolts� to� 8� Nm� (71� lb in).
? To� install, � tighten� the� new� generator� bolts� or� generator� nuts� to� 47� Nm� (35� lb ft).
9. Remove� the� generator� shield� from� the� generator.
0. Remove� the� generator.
1. To� install, � reverse� the� removal� procedure.
I have sent a couple of pics along some of the instructions are on those.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, December 10th, 2011 AT 3:11 PM