First, Chrysler will tell you that a quart of oil in 1200 miles is normal. You are going 1800 so they don't consider that a problem. Next, check for leaks. The most common place for the oil to leak is either the oil sending unit or the rear valve cover gasket.
Now for the check engine light, you need to have that scanned with a computer to identify where the problem is coming form. Most parts stores will do it for free. If the engine is still running properly, chances are it will be an EVAP code. It that is the case (it deals with the emissions system, take it to a dealer and have try to have it repaired under warranty. I believe the warranty is for 5 years 50K on that system. Let them know the light was on before the 50K was reached.
Let me know if you have other questions. You may want to double check the emissions warranty in the owner's manyal. It may even be longer.
Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 AT 7:31 PM