No hurt feelings. I didn't even view your reply in that light. Anybody can own a newer car. I have lots of respect for someone who can keep a 24-year-old anything on the road. My minivan will be dragging a huge tandem axle enclosed trailer to the nation's second largest old car show swap meet in two days. Anything newer with the computer-controlled transmission would explode before I got to the end of my driveway. This will be the eleventh year but luckily it's just a 100 mile round trip. My sad van is going to expire in a puddle of sweat one of these years.
AdeAdesina86, I forgot to mention, it doesn't make sense to trade a car, especially one you like, because it MIGHT need an expensive repair. I have two older cars I bought new and both had uncommonly low maintenance and repair costs but they were not representative of all the similar models. My opinions are skewed because I had much fewer repairs over the years than others who owned the same models. I also form my opinions from seeing other peoples' repair bills but those aren't necessarily representative of the entire brand either.
You're better off enjoying what you already have and like, then, if a major repair is needed later, compare that cost to how much you're spending on monthly car payments. When you DO trade, you generally make out better trading off the car when it does need a big repair. Dealers know every trade-in will need work and they're prepared for that when they make you an offer. If you were to spend $2,000.00 on a repair first, you might be lucky to get $500.00 more the next day for a trade-in.
As a parting note, I used to tell my students, "you are welcome to like any brand of car you want to, just don't tell me yours is better than mine unless you can tell me WHY you think it is better". Even then, we all value different things and we are willing to overlook different short-comings. You can't argue for or against an opinion, especially when they are formed from sound reasoning.
Monday, July 8th, 2013 AT 11:56 PM