Thursday, November 10th, 2011 AT 12:24 AM
When I start the car, there are zero ticks. But when I put the car into drive or reverse there are a series of mechanical ticks like a typewriter. At first, it sounded like there were rodents in the car. The ticks are all over the dash. There is no one area of ticks but the most prevalent ticks come from in front of the driver and around the glove box of the passenger. What is going on with it? It stayed dormant for about 5 months and I didn't have any trouble before but had to jump start it twice during that time. It is super awesome sounding but feels like it has trash in the fuel injector. I have put lucas brand injector cleaner in it and other brands as well before it went dormant. I put High octane gas in it after I discovered the ticks and the fuel injector problem magnified less than 100 yards from the gas pump only once and then went back to being the minor hick-up every now and then.