That port used to go to the vacuum-operated cruise control servo, but as just mentioned, it's capped off if the vehicle doesn't have cruise control. Also, Chrysler probably had a golly-zillion of those check valves in stock, so even when they went to throttle-by-wire systems and the cruise control was fully electronic, they still used that valve until their supply got used up
For my other comment of value, it was not unheard of in the '80s for those caps on unused ports to fall off on GM and some Ford vehicles repeatedly. It was a minor but recurring issue caused by a leaking vacuum modulator valve on the automatic transmission. Transmission fluid would sneak out very slowly, but it was enough to get sucked up into the vacuum system where it rotted the rubber caps until they were loose enough to fall off. In every one of the few I was involved with, the fluid leakage was so gradual, the rubber cap was the only symptom with slightly-delayed up-shifts. The transmissions still shifted okay and were only slightly low on fluid.
Sunday, July 11th, 2021 AT 1:31 PM