That sucks. I don't like to use RTV. You can see it squeeze out when you tighten the bolt, the same thing happens on the inside and then falls off eventually and gets into important passageways. I guess it's not so bad in the coolant system, but I have seen terrible things on oil pump pickups. I would still prefer to not use it. You should have been fine without it. I just did one on the same truck with no rtv or paper and it's fine. Did you get the surfaces absolutly clean? Maybe dumb question, but you didn't miss a bolt did you? I guess there must be imperfections on the motor, so I would go with paper and no rtv. If you must use some sealant to make you feel better, I prefer using a motorcycle product called Yamabond, or Honda bond (same thing). It's what the factory uses between gasketless mating surfaces between metals. You could use it on the old metal gasket. You clean off the metal perfectly. Then apply a thin smear to both sides and let it dry for 30 minutes. It's semi hardening so it never actually dries like rtv. I use this stuff on cars and bikes all the time, there may be a similar product for cars but I have not found it yet. So you have a couple options, paper and no glue, or used gasket and yamabond. Or you can do rtv and the used gasket, which is probably what you would have done in the first place and not had a leak. I just don't like that stuff and use it only in emergencies when I am forced to temporarily reuse a broken or nasty gasket (on my own stuff). I still can't believe you have a leak. Double check there's no burrs on the new pump or any nicks in the engine from your gasket scraping. I hate doing the same job twice on the same car, I feel your pain.
Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 AT 8:07 PM