03 Jeep G. Cherokee Engine Stall

  • V8
  • 4WD
Hi, have a 03 Jeep G. Cherokee with the 4.7L V8 engine. Recently the engine has stalled out at traffic lights intermitently. Took it to a shop and the cleaned the carbon build up, replaced the spark plugs, and crank sensor, but it still happens. Engine has roughly 150K on it. Any help would be greatly appreciative. Do not want to keep throwing parts and money at the problem and hoping something will fix it.
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010 AT 1:51 AM

1 Reply

  • 1,730 POSTS
First, is there any check engine lights when this happens? If so, have computer scanned and send me the codes.

Also, a shop should not do a service that doesn't fix the problem. If you spent money with them to fix it, take the car back to them and demand they do it right. And if the give you a service order stating what the problem is and they do work that doesn't fix the problem, save the paperwork and contact an attorney.

There are just too many possible causes of an engine stall. All I can tell you is to check each system one by one until you isolate the problem. Always start by checking condition of your air/fuel filters, vacuum lines and any obvious signs of a disconnected wire (including plug wires)

Then check ignition at the plug and work your way back to the coils. Then check fuel system pressure, regulator, clogged/not firing injectors.

With the computer/sensors, you want to test them before assuming they're bad and replacing them. You do this with a voltmeter and a reference diagram that has voltage/ohm specs. Measure reference voltage to sensor and out put of sensor back to computer. If out of spec, then replace.

That shop you took your car to should've tested your ckp instead of replacing it. He would've seen it wasn't the problem before charging your to replace it.
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Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 AT 2:29 PM

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