This should be what you are looking for. I have attached two diagrams to help you in the process.
# Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
# Lift the windshield wiper pivot arm to the full upright position.
# Release the locking tab.
# Remove the windshield wiper pivot arm.
# Remove the radio antenna mast.
# Remove the cowl top vent panel retaining screws.
# Raise the hood.
# Disconnect the windshield washer hose.
# Remove the cowl panel weatherstrip.
# Remove and discard the cowl top vent panel pushpins.
Remove the cowl top vent panel from the center to avoid damage to the locating pins at each outer end of the cowl panels.
# Remove the cowl top vent panel.
# Remove the 5 bolts.
# Disconnect the electrical connector.
# Remove the wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft assembly.
# Remove the bolt and the windshield wiper linkage.
# Remove the bolts and the windshield wiper motor.
# To install, reverse the removal procedure.
To install the wiper arms, it is necessary to pull the locking tab out to its full open (unlatched) position and hold while assembling the pivot arm onto the mounting arm and pivot shaft. Align the key on the pivot arm head with the keyway on the shafts. This will make sure the pivot arm is correctly aligned.
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Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 AT 2:44 AM