Monday, September 17th, 2012 AT 2:48 AM
While driving my 2002 dodge caravan my brakes went out. I had just had the master cylinder replaced for the first time in january of this year and both rear shoes, drums, and wheel cylinders replaced do to an unrelated broken wheel cylinder in february. Around two weeks ago while driving the brakes went out again and stayed out (pedal to floor)had it towed back to same shop. While there they determined the master cylinder must have failed again but my brakes were working when removing my vehicle from tow truck I was informed. I decided to have them replace the master cylinder and recieved vehicle back a week ago brakes have been working like a dream until two days ago while driving I pushed the brake pedal to stop and pedal went to floor and when it reached floor the wheels locked up I released the pedal after stopping and reengaged the pedal to find breaks are working fine again mechanic cant figure out why this happened and says it cant be the master cylinder do to the recent replacement. My vehicle is in shop at this time and mechanic says he doesnt know what to do but he would welcome suggestions. Sry for misspells or bad punctuation just need answers