Your rack and pinion assembly is much easier to replace than most GM units but it's still very involved. It can be done in a few hours if the car is on a hoist. If you're doing it on the ground, expect to take all day. Be sure the car is safely supported on jack stands under the frame rails on the sides of the car.
Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
Remove the tire and wheel assemblies.
Remove the stabilizer shaft links from the control arms. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Link Replacement.
Remove the tie rod ends from the steering knuckle. Refer to Tie Rod End Replacement- Outer.
Remove the intermediate shaft lower pinch bolt (1) from the power steering gear (2).
Remove the stabilizer shaft. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Replacement.
Remove the power steering hoses from the from the power steering gear. Refer to the following procedures:
Power Steering Pressure Hose Replacement
Power Steering Return Hose Replacement.
Remove the power steering gear bolts (2) from the frame (3).
Remove the power steering gear (1) through the left wheel opening.
Installation Procedure
Position the power steering gear (1) on the vehicle.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
Install the power steering gear mounting bolts (2) to the frame (3). Tighten
Tighten the bolts to 110 Nm (81 ft. Lbs.).
Install the power steering hoses to the power steering gear. Refer to the following procedures:
Power Steering Pressure Hose Replacement
Power Steering Return Hose Replacement.
Install the stabilizer shaft. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Replacement.
Install the intermediate shaft lower pinch bolt to the power steering gear (2). Tighten
Tighten the mounting bolts to 20 Nm (15 ft. Lbs.).
Install the tie rod ends to the steering knuckle. Refer to Tie Rod End Replacement- Outer.
Install the stabilizer shaft links to the control arms. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Link Replacement.
Install the tire and wheel assemblies.
Lower the vehicle.
Bleed the air from the power steering system.
If you have to lower the engine cradle to get the rack assembly out, spray paint "witness marks" around the nuts first so you can put it back in exactly the same way. If that cradle is shifted sideways a little it will affect the front wheel alignment. An alignment can correct the "camber" readings but it will overlook the underlying CAUSE of those readings changing. You'll still have severe handling problems even though the alignment appears to be correct. That only affects GM cars.
Please let us know happens so it will help others.
Best, Ken
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Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 AT 3:42 PM