2001 Kia Rio 1.5l 5spd.
Purchased vehicle with 100K miles on it. Had blown radiator and assumed that was all that was wrong.
Vehicle was overheating so replaced radiator and thermostat. Vehicle running rough w/white smoke out of exhaust. Fairly certain a leaky head gasket.
Preformed compression test. 110lbs 75lbs 75lbs and 135lbs. Pulled head, replaced headgasket and had head machined as figured it was warped being aluminum. Cylinders and rings fine and cylinder walls look good, engine block looks fine.
Replaced loose timing belt while in there and put everything back together.
Vehicle won't start. Compression test preformed. 110lbs 110lbs 0lbs and 135lbs. Has me completely stumped.
Blew compressed air down cylinder which showed 0 compression while it was in TDC position and it held almost all of the pressure. This done of course when engine is cold. That does not make sense to me as why would compression test show nothing/0 but than it would "pass/do ok" on a leak down test?
Can't see it being a burnt valve as why would it had 75lbs prior to headgasket replacement and 0 now?
When replaced timing belt turned over by hand (clockwise 2 revolutions)and didn't feel valve/cylinder interference so I don't see why it would be a bent valve either.
Could timing be off a tooth cause just one cylinder to have zero compression while the others be OK?
While turning over by hand and watching the cam it doesn't appear there is a stuck valve as I think they all move up and down with the camshaft lobes.
Sunday, February 13th, 2011 AT 12:30 AM