Hello, I'm CJ MEDEVAC, I do not know your vehicle well, I usually answer in the Jeep CJs, I guess they're all fixed, haven't seen one in a few days
Wife has a Ford Escape, basically most of these newer rigs have the same type systems. Hers was having the same issue as yours
My buddy was explaining what might be wrong with hers, He's a mechanic for the state of S.C.
During his really short speech the 1st thing he said was, "It could be the IAC" he sorta gave it a rap with the 15/16 wrench in his hand, unbelievably, it straightened up and was purring like a kitten!
That was a "Craftsman" 15/16 open and boxed in wrench. And a Mild Tap!
We snatched it off and cleaned it--he said it would be fine
The next day I replaced it, vehicle has some miles on it, I take no chances with "Mama". Besides it was not really that expensive
I look at a towing bill and inconvenience and stranded in a bad situation VS: Under $60
The Escape was a "PLUG IN" and 2 bolts. Really EZ, yours may slightly vary
On hers I did not have to use the gasket, the vehicle had a "O" Ring sorta looking gasket that was still good, so I reused it.
I did take pics. You can see its location, If you decide to clean it use "Throttle Body Cleaner"---My buddy says its not as harsh as carburetor cleaner
Hope its just this simple for you too!
Let me hear how it goes!
The Medic
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Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 AT 3:17 AM