Monday, June 22nd, 2015 AT 9:18 AM
I recently had to do a motor on a car for the shop I worked at, and when we removed the engine we noticed some very damaged wiring going to the ignition coil, so we repaired the wiring and swapped the motor and everything went fine, then we went to back it out and it won't move or go in gear the transmission shifts, the motor changes rpm under load, and everything in the tcm is reading output speed from the motor and such so its all how its supposed to be, but upon further inspection we notice when fixing the wiring there were two wires running from the firewall by the master cylinder in there own separate wiring loom that spliced into the coil wiring that I assume are for some sort of signal, one is purple with a white tracer and the other is solid gray, well needless to say the solid gray one isn't connected and we don't know where in the wiring it is supposed to splice into and it looks a lot like the small gauge solid unmarked gray wires going into the transmission main connector so I'm assuming it is some sort of signal wire for the transmission. I can't find either the purple and white or the solid gray wire that splice into the harness at the coil wiring on any wiring diagram and I need to know where they go please help! If its any help as well for some reason with the key on engine off my transmission makes a buzzing noise in any gear but neutral and park.