Holden astra ts Z18XE engine.
diagnostics said it is the crank angle sensor.
I have replaced the crank angle and the camshaft sensors with genuine parts.
Following that the code was entered and the check light went off and the car was going great.
when I got home turned the car off, then started back up and the check light came back on.
Same again did the codes light went off all good. After turning engine off and then on light is back on an running as if timing is out or running on 3 cylinders.
What can I do to fix the problem.
is there a way of testing the sensors.
Is there certain voltage these sensors must recieve
is there a certain amount of ohms or whatever signal they send back to the computer.
your help will be appreciated so much
Thanks kindly
ps how do I give a donation and how much would I donate without insulting.
I will be happy to make a donation for your help
Sunday, June 1st, 2014 AT 6:04 PM