The original problem, was that I was driving home from work one day and the car shut off and I rolled to a stop. After waiting 15 minutes, the car fired up again and I drove for about two miles before the car shut off and rolled to a stop. I had my car towed home, and after listening to a friends advice, I tore apart my engine and replaced the oil pump. I had to disassemble the radiator, the timing chain, the power steering pump, remove the harmonic balancer, removed the crankshaft pulley, etc.
Well, after carefully reassembling the car and checking over everything 3-4 times to make sure that everything was right, the car is attempting to crank but it just wont turn over. I have no idea what my problem is. I have a feeling it might be the timing, so I want to have my car towed to a shop and have it timed. But the problem is that I have a really really really tight budget and even timing it is gonna run me dry.
So i'm really hoping I can get some advice before I spend the money to have it timed.
Monday, February 4th, 2013 AT 7:04 PM