That means you have a starter system problem, not an engine running problem. There IS a common problem with a very inexpensive fix, but the symptom is you will hear a single rather loud clunk from the starter each time you turn the ignition switch to "crank". That involves replacing the contacts inside the starter solenoid. Most people just replace the entire starter. That costs more than repairing it, but it's faster and easier.
If you don't hear anything when you turn the ignition switch, the first suspect is the range selector switch inside the transmission. Testing that is rather involved unless you have a scanner. That will show the gear the Transmission Computer thinks you've selected. It won't let the starter work if it incorrectly thinks it's not in park. You can try starting the engine in neutral, then again after shifting back to park. If that works, the range switch should be replaced.
See the guide below on testing wiring
See the diagram below of your starting system.. this will help you figure out the problem
Image (Click to make bigger)
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 AT 8:41 PM