2001 Chevrolet Malibu Electrical Problem with 98000 miles
Ignition Cylinder Stuck In Off Position
I've been battling the Passlock system for months with my 2001 Malibu. When it's over 85-90 deg.F, inside the car, it will start without a hitch. This morning, it wasn't wanting to fire. So, I jiggled the key, as I have for months (I was feeling too lazy to get under the hood and screwdriver jump the starter with the ignition key in the ON position) and ended up with a jammed ignition cylinder. I had the car towed to a STEALERSHIP and was quoted around $800 for the fix. I've now found a video that shows the ease of removal and replacement of the cylinder when you can turn the key. Unfortunately, mine is stuck at OFF. Please help!
Asked by TiminTexas
Replied on September 27, 2011
Is the steering wheel locked? If it is, try turning it hard left and right while attepting to turn the key. I see this alot when people bump curbs when parking or kids get in the car and play with the wheel. But the original problem, if you can cross the starter solenoid and get it to run, you probably just need a starter solenoid or relay.
Answered by CARPRO3 (expert)
18 answers provided
The car, for months, had started without incident when the temps were high. On occasion, I would have to jiggle the key. Once the temps fell, then I would have to cross the solenoid. It was a new starter, solenoid, and battery. So, no problems there. Now, the main problem is the key cylinder is STUCK at OFF. In watching the videos to replace it, the key has to be turned to press the release button that allows the cylinder to be pulled. I'm not clear as to whether the key HAS to be turned because it actuated the passlock system or if it can be pulled without the key being turned. If not, I am going to replace the entire ignition cylinder (ACDelco D1493F/15822350 Ignition Lock Cylinder w/Keys).
Any further thoughts?
Asked by TiminTexas
Replied on September 27, 2011
You should be able to replace it without it in the run position. Access it made through the steering column.
Answered by Jacobandnickolas (expert)
38,879 answers provided
The Ignition Cylinder is in the dash, not in the column.
I'm hoping I won't have to. I've watched some videos to replace the Ignition Cylinder and it appears I can replace it by removing the radio. Looks easy enough. The catch is that all videos show that the key is turned to the ON position. That is why I'm concerned.
Wednesday, September 28th, 2011 AT 3:43 AM