This is the volvo that had the timing belt snap a few months ago. Did a rebuild on the top half of the engine, valves, head gasket and so on. We needed to rewire the leads to the coil packs because some of the wires were exposed. We're thinking something with the rewire job. There was one wire that seemed to be coiled around another wire. I believe one led to the ground. That is the only thing that we were unsure of and did the best we could to duplicate the original wiring. Thats all I can think of that would be causing the misfier problem. The car does its misfiring while at idle and low speeds under 25mph that i've noticed when hooked up to the obd scanner the low end fuel trim varies between 3.6 and 4.8 don't know if that helps but there it is. Oh, and keep in mind that I put new wires in and one coil, new spark plugs got the ones the owners manuel listed
Friday, April 8th, 2011 AT 3:00 AM