When the computer gives a code for a particular sensor, it isn't saying the sensor is bad. What it's saying it's reading a problem with that circuit. It could be a bad wire, bad/corroded connector or the sensor itself.
There's nothing else that could make the computer read something faulty with that circuit. And I'm not saying the computer is bad either.
But is the computer still giving a code for the MAF? Because once you changed the sensor and wires, did you have the code cleared?
If not, clear it and see if it comes back. Also, when some sensors have intermitant faults, they won't set a code, but you get driveability problems. This is why I suggest you have a drive test done with a technician. But if you don't want to go that route, start with a standard tune up. Then check the ignition coils, fuel pressure, Fuel pressure regulator for leaks, fuel filter, etc until you hunt the problem down.
Sunday, November 21st, 2010 AT 10:50 PM