2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee stalling

  • 2.0L
  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 202,000 MILES
Started off as my car turning off while at idle, as in no rmps but seems like its on with the lights and everything working the dashboard looks like its on but no rmps and the car shuts off. Then it turned into doing it while im driving but then it was rare and I would turn it on and it would start right up. Now im having the problem of it doing that while driving and not turning back on before turning the key about 5 or so times or not turning on for about 10 minutes or so. I then noticed my car jerks when im driving or somtimes in idle the rmps sky rocked and come back down to normal out of no where. I did notice my car has a rough idle and the rmps do flicker a little but the car does shake a bit when I bought it but its a lot more noticable now. I have no idea why or how it started doing this but it almost did get me into an accident the other day when I was slowing down for a red light and it just stalled and almost got re-ended. One thing I also noticed is once this all happens. I loose power steering and brakes. The other day too I crossed over an intersection while it stalled and I had to turn as much as I can into the side but that was the first time ive noticed no steering and or brakes and now its happening more oftne it would happen about 3 times while idle a day to now 3 times in a matter of an hour of just driving. I dont know whats wrong I just recently did an oil change but I cant figure it out besides maybe an electrical problem or even a ground wire somewehre or a computer problem. Any ideas or answers? Plus as much as I love my jeep that it is a 2000 with 202xxx miles on it as of right now and ive owned it for almost 2 year this summer but got her at 126xxx miles on her so I know I drive alot and I try not to beat on the car but I just started tor recenetly have this problem please hellppp! I need my baby fixed asap !
Monday, February 10th, 2014 AT 11:18 AM

1 Reply

  • 16,098 POSTS
How long since a tune-up? Are there any applicable trouble codes. Usually with idle issues, I check anything that has to do with idle air system.

I have seen other idle issues with warm engine, possible heat related issues with injectors 3 and 4. The cure was to use an insulator sleeves on those injectors.
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Monday, February 10th, 2014 AT 12:55 PM

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