Overdrive light on

  • 1999 FORD F-250
  • V8
  • 4WD
  • 225,000 MILES
1999 F250 SD 7.3L 4wd. Pulls goose neck trailer.

Transmission has shifted fine with no indication of problem. Stopped at stop sign and it did not want to pull off. Tried again and it started to pull then felt a***** and it pulled only a little. The overdrive light was blinking. Put in 2nd gear and it pulled off fine. Pulled load with no slipping. The light went off once and I stopped and pulled off again and it started out in 1st fine. Light came back on and it does not want to pull off in 1st. This is not same transmission for this truck placed a reman in it about 3 years ago. It has not given any trouble. When loads are heavy I press the overdrive button. Thanks
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 AT 9:25 PM

1 Reply

  • 41,814 POSTS
The OD light blinking indicates an error has been detected in the transmission control/sensor system and has gone into "limp mode" whereby it would be lockedin either 3rd gear, thereby the poor response.

You need to get the trouble codes retrieved to find out which circuit is causing the problem and continue from there.

A visit to a transmission specialist is the best choice.
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Thursday, August 4th, 2011 AT 12:33 PM

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