1999 Dodge Intrepid spark or fire

  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 160,000 MILES
Replaced timibg chain still nothing checked if gas is flowing from fuel pump yes then checked spark plug and there is no spark or fire where else can I look to see where the problem is or what else could it be
Monday, November 25th, 2013 AT 2:03 PM

1 Reply

  • 33,954 POSTS
Need a bunch more information. When you said, "Replaced timibg chain still nothing checked", what does "nothing" mean? When discussing an engine-related problem, we really need to know which engine you have. There were three choices. Also, please use punctuation in your reply, otherwise what you write can be read three of four different ways, and you know more than half of them are going to be wrong.

It's good that you thought to check for fuel pressure, but that can be misleading. You should hear the hum of the fuel pump for one second after turning on the ignition switch. That can falsely make it appear you have normal pump operation. What's important is whether the pump turns on again during engine cranking, but you won't be able to hear it. If it does, you have a spark problem. That's relatively uncommon. If the pump doesn't turn on during cranking, that is not a spark OR a pump problem. That is related to what both have in common, and that is the automatic shutdown (ASD) relay and circuit. I can describe how to tell if that is turning on. You'll need a test light. A digital voltmeter will work too but you'll need to watch it very closely.
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Monday, November 25th, 2013 AT 2:52 PM

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