Got dizzy reading your description. You need some punctuation in there, otherwise it can be read at least three different ways. If you're asking about the radiator fan, find the coolant temperature sensor near the thermostat housing and unplug it while the engine is running. That's the two-wire sensor. If you still have a single-wire sensor, that's for the gauge. About one second after you unplug the sensor for the Engine Computer the fan should turn on. If it does not, suspect the fan relay first. You can command it to turn on if you have the Chrysler DRB3 scanner, otherwise you'll just have to plug in a different one to try it. Be aware it will get hot enough to burn your hand if it is not bolted to the body sheet metal. It lives half way down on the left side of the radiator, bolted to the support. If the fan does turn on, the system is working. By unplugging the coolant sensor the Check Engine light will turn on and a diagnostic fault code will be set in the Engine Computer. The light will go off when the sensor is reconnected and the engine is restarted, and the code will erase automatically after 50 engine starts.
Monday, March 14th, 2011 AT 3:17 PM