In the last 2 or so weeks my car stutters when I put in into reverse. It happens when I'm initially starting the car either for the first time that day or after it hasn't been in use after many hours (like 3 or so). So like when I put the gear into reverse for the first time, it stutters. It’ll continue to stutter as I'm actually moving the car into reverse. After I move the gear into drive-mode, it'll stutter for another 10 seconds or so. After that time the sound goes away
While waiting at a red light today I had my foot on the brake and I noticed the stuttering. This has been the first time the car has stuttered either in “full” drive mode or while waiting at a light.
CAN YOU HELP ME to find out what the problem(s) is?
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 AT 5:00 PM