Saturday, October 15th, 2011 AT 6:35 PM
I am working on a 1996 ford ranger with a 3.0L(vin U) with 300,000miles. My issue started with a P0306. 4 months prior I had replaced all plugs, wires, coil pack and had both cylinder heads rebuilt at a machine shop. I narrowed down my problem to a faulty injector. Replaced all 6 injectors with new factory injectors and now I have a p0303 and p0305 codes. This started right after replacing injectors. Swapped injectors from 3 and 5 to 1 and 2 and still have the same codes. I have checked vacuum and I have 15 at idle. I have 150psi compression in all cylinders and all plugs look normal. KOEO I have 40psi fuel pressure. At idle it misfires really bad and my LT fuel trim is 18% on bank 1 only. While driving it goes down to normal. Bank2 fuel trims seem normal. I have even blocked off the EGR port and it didnt change. I have run out of ideas on whats causing my issue. Please email me if you watn further info. I am a ASE certified tech that has run out of ideas to fix this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.