Car will not crank after changing fuel injector seals

  • 194,000 MILES
I have a 96 Cavalier 2.2l OHV auto. The car died while my son was coming to a stop for a turn, while on the road at the top of the hill. The car remained in the middle median while we tried a couple of things, cranking the engine several times without any problem. At this point I saw a leaky injector, and decided to start there since this may have caused a drop in fuel pressure.

So, we put the car in neutral and let it coast down the hill to a neighboring parking lot with plenty of room to work on the car. We coasted the car in without problems, stopped in a parking spot, placed it into park, and let it sit over night.

The next morning I got new O rings for the injector. I recall beginning by testing the engine, and again it cranked fine without starting. And the starter had no problem turning the flywheel. Then I replaced the O rings on the leaky injector.

Now this is where things go sideways, after I reinstalled the injector components, I go to test the car. It cranks for a couple seconds, then "clink". The starter motor will not turn the flywheel. I jump the battery to test if that is it, but the same thing happened. Does not crank and I hear the clink from the solenoid extending the starter to the flywheel.

So, I removed the starter and had it tested at Autozone. It passed all tests and was good. So I reinstalled, and the same problem. (All bolts are attached securely)

So, I began looking at the ignition switch. When I shift to drive or reverse and try to start, there is not a clicking sound and no dimming of dash light, as the starter is not being engaged. In park and neutral, the lights do dim and the clink sound from the solenoid does happen (so I don't think it is the TR switch either). The clink is definitely the starter solenoid and the ignition switch is engaging it. 2 times while messing with it, the car tried to crank for a less than a second, but then stopped and only "clicked" the next time I tried with no crank. I jumped the starter switch with a pair of pliers and got the clink but not a crank, just as when I turned the ignition.

So, then I go to try and move the flywheel by hand. I had to use the back for a large socket wrench to turn it, but it did turn for about a full rotation. It was a little tough at first, then seemed to turn fairly easy, then it stopped and with much force, I could not get it to turn any more.

Fuses have been checked and are good.

At this point, I want it to be the ignition switch but doubt it. The starter is trying to engage, lights dim as power is being set to the starter.

So if the flywheel is getting stuck, what is it getting stuck on since the engine has not ran, and WHY is the world would it go from not being stuck to being stuck only after changing the o rings on 1 injector. And have not moved the car.

So what an I missing? Any ideas on what the root cause of this problem is?

Much thanks in advance.
Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 AT 2:49 AM

2 Replies

  • 109,569 POSTS
Okay, everything you mentioned leads me to think there us a hydrostatic lock. Maybe one of the cylinders is full of gas. Remove the plugs and see if it turns and if anything comes out of the cylinders. Once could be full of fuel, coolant.

Let me know what you find.
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Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 AT 2:57 AM
  • 1 POST
Hey, thanks for the response. Yes, it was hydrolocked. I took out the spark plug for the injector that was leaking, and it was all wet with fuel. Took the spark plug out and was able to turn the car over without any problem.

Looks like the bottom seal on the injector did not seat and when the fuel rail pressurized, the cylinder got gas shot into it.
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Sunday, November 20th, 2011 AT 7:39 PM

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