I have a 1995 Camry LE, 4cyl, automatic, 2.2L. Recently, my steering column vibrates when stationary. While stationary and in Park and Neutral, it does not vibrate. When I put in Reverse or Drive while stationary, the steering column vibrates. I have replaced all four motor mounts, front, rear, top (torque) and transmission. It did not solve the vibration. Instead, now when in Park and Neutral, the steering is also vibrating. And when in Drive or Reverse, it vibrates more. I noticed the spark plug wires were very worn so have also installed a new set of wires. No results. I also occasionally get a Fuel Rich engine warning light. Could the fuel pressure regulator have something to do with all of this?
My other question is why does the new engine mounts caused the steering vibration to get worse? Could it be that the mounts were not the original cause of the vibration but since the rubber on the new mounts are stiffer than the older ones, they transferred the vibration more and maybe lessened after some wearing in? Thanks.
Monday, June 1st, 2015 AT 8:11 AM