I'm not getting the 1-3 volts out of the white instead this:.02-04 volts. Have checked the white and black wire if its shorted to ground or open-its all good-this black and white wire is wire braided together with an insulation and 3rd wire black/white wire outside the insulation-
The MAF meter is new and readings on it as follow:
A. Black and White wire: Battery voltage
B. White wire center one:.02-.04 as you increase the rpm-
C. Black wire: Battery voltage
The TPS checks out and adjusted properly, anything else I can check-this bogging out problem all started by a broken hot wire on the MAF meter-replace it -it bogs out and backfiring-now the backfiring is gone but continue to bog out at 2K rpm-Thank You
Saturday, March 9th, 2013 AT 9:12 PM