Disc brakes

  • 1995 GMC C1500
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 163,000 MILES
How do I do a brake job on the front of a 1995 gmc c1500 1/2 ton pickup?
Sunday, April 24th, 2011 AT 11:54 PM

2 Replies

  • 33,981 POSTS
Uhm, unless you have a specific question, that's not really a do-it-yourself project because there are a real lot of things you can do to introduce problems and there's a lot of things professionals do to avoid problems and liability issues. If you still want to try it, I can post a whole bunch of things to look out for, but the best place to get the procedure for your truck is the factory service manual. That manual is a real good investment anyhow if you plan on keeping the truck and want to do other work on it.

I don't mean to discourage you, but if you have to ask how to do brakes, I have to ask if you are interested in learning how to work on cars and trucks or if you are just interested in saving a few dollars? If you want to learn how to do your own repairs or want to become a mechanic, I can give you all kinds of help. If you only want to save the cost of paying a professional this one time, you will be money ahead to let them do it once you consider the cost of tools, aggravation of working on the ground, time, and the many things that can go wrong.
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Monday, April 25th, 2011 AT 12:33 AM
  • 19,053 POSTS
Remove two-thirds of brake fluid from master cylinder.
Raise and support vehicle.
Remove wheel. Using "C" clamp or large pliers, compress caliper piston until it bottoms in its bore.
Remove caliper guide pins. .
Remove caliper. Remove pads from caliper. Note retainer spring on inner pad (some models) and remove if replacing pads.
Remove caliper sleeves from caliper.
Apply silicone grease to outer diameter of caliper sleeves and inner diameter of bushings.
Insert caliper sleeves into bushings.
Install retainer spring on inner pad (if removed).
Install pads in caliper.
Install caliper.
Install guide pins and tighten to specification.
Connect brake hose to caliper and tighten hose bolt to 32 ft. Lbs. (43 N.M). Bleed brake system.
If outer pads are equipped with locking ears, bend ears toward caliper until ears touch caliper.
This prevents movement of outer pad in caliper.
Install wheel.
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Monday, April 25th, 2011 AT 12:35 AM

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