I tried to connect a wire between the two terminals but I dont believe the wire was making a connection i'm not the best at describing these types of things but inside Terminal A there is six available ports to put a wire in. Three of these have a prong sticking out, three do not. Of the three that don't, two are labeled black underneath and the one doesn't have a prong but but is between prongs that have 4WD INT labeled beneath them.
TERMINAL B has three available ports none of the three have prongs in them. The first two are labeled PWR and HTD steering and the third port has green underneath it.
I was unable to get the check engine light to flash after the very first two flashes which the vehicle does with or without the wire connecting the two terminals. I pushed the wire into the ports without prongs and tried several variations as there were several ports lacking prongs inside of TERMINAL A & B. Do you have any idea as to why the check engine light isn't responding to my attempts.
Saturday, January 1st, 2011 AT 11:03 PM