this vehicle is not mine, but I will try to explain what has happened as best I can.
this f-150 sat for a few months and then had difficulty starting. It woul start, but run poorly. We noticed that the fuel pump would run constantly in the KOEO position
checked fuel pressure at rail and it seemed a lil low so the fuel pump was changed.
no change
changed the alternator because we thought I was going bad previously. Then we checked a few things and ended up changing the ECM.
vehicle started and ran fine. Now the current issue
the truck is not charging. I checked the current at the battery and there was nothing coming from the alternator. Also the gauge for the alternator and the oil pressure are not working. Also the truck was not shifting properly. I was given a set of wires that ran from the alternator to the solenoid that needed soldering. There was a new solenoid installed before in soldered the wires. The ECM was taken back for another one and it was installed with the newly soldered wires and now the same problems exist as before, and not the truck wont start from the key.
I checked the ECM relay and it seems to be ok. (No resistance when current was applied to the other terminals. Im very confused by all of this. Any suggestions?
Saturday, November 26th, 2011 AT 11:54 PM