Charging problem, shifting problem, gauge problem

  • 1992 FORD F-150
  • 170 MILES
Ok. I have tried this site before with dome good advise to im here again with a new issue.
this vehicle is not mine, but I will try to explain what has happened as best I can.
this f-150 sat for a few months and then had difficulty starting. It woul start, but run poorly. We noticed that the fuel pump would run constantly in the KOEO position
checked fuel pressure at rail and it seemed a lil low so the fuel pump was changed.

no change

changed the alternator because we thought I was going bad previously. Then we checked a few things and ended up changing the ECM.

vehicle started and ran fine. Now the current issue

the truck is not charging. I checked the current at the battery and there was nothing coming from the alternator. Also the gauge for the alternator and the oil pressure are not working. Also the truck was not shifting properly. I was given a set of wires that ran from the alternator to the solenoid that needed soldering. There was a new solenoid installed before in soldered the wires. The ECM was taken back for another one and it was installed with the newly soldered wires and now the same problems exist as before, and not the truck wont start from the key.
I checked the ECM relay and it seems to be ok. (No resistance when current was applied to the other terminals. Im very confused by all of this. Any suggestions?
Saturday, November 26th, 2011 AT 11:54 PM

5 Replies

  • 5 POSTS
Update. The speedometer and digital odometer are also not working
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Monday, November 28th, 2011 AT 8:44 PM
  • 48,601 POSTS
You shold have 2 fusible links to the starter relay. One is a green wire connected to an orange wire. That goes to alternator. Another is green wire going to a yellow wire. See if power is going through those. Probably one is burnt up and these are available at auto parts stores. A low battery will cause the problem like you see with the gauges can be from a low battery or a sending unit gauge issue. Ford gauges are notorious for misreading if working at all, especially charging gauges. A test light is all you need to check these wires. And they should be bright like the battery. If the light is dull then there are some fried wires in the link an dit needs to be replaced.
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Monday, November 28th, 2011 AT 11:31 PM
  • 48,601 POSTS
One other thing I forgot there is a 50 amp fuse in the engine coompartment that may be blown as well. It will be underhood probably close to the battery.
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Monday, November 28th, 2011 AT 11:34 PM
  • 5 POSTS
The wires that go to the starter relay have no fusible links in them. The vehicle was purchased used so I suppose there is a chance that they were cut out. I am not sure but I don't see any. The only fuse box that I saw under the hood was on the opposite side of the battery and all of the fuses looked good. I pulled every one out and did a visual inspection.
Another update is that I was told that the windshield wipers also do not work.
So now we have:
no oil pressure reading on the gauge
no charging at the battery and on the gauge
no windshield wipers
transmission not shifting properly
will not turn over from the key

we have put 2 different batteries in there were topped off before installing with no change to the problems.
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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 AT 6:15 PM
  • 48,601 POSTS
Thefusible links are probably off the starter relay usually connectedwhere the battery connects the cable. Recheck by the relay for the liks. All they are is a piece of smaller wire connected to a larger wire. So tracke the orange wire back and if you see a green wire that is the link. They sell replacements at auto parts stores. If the wiper motor doesn't work then check to see if power is there, it grounds through teh multifunction switch so as long as key is on then there should be power at motor. It could also be a bad motor as well.
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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 AT 8:39 PM

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