Is it my starter or solenoid?

  • 275,787 MILES
My truck is a lifted 1992 chevy silvarado 1500 with a 350 in her. Last year I replaced both the starter and the battery because it wouldnt start. Now yesterday I went to start her and nothing happened. The engine wont come on however all my interior lights, radio and the whole nine yards come on. Im wondering if its the starter or the solenoid. Ever since I replaced the starter every so often when I start it, it will make the noise when you turn your key too far like the grind noise. Im wondering if that stripped the gears in the starter. I checked the battery and it is reading normal 13.6 volts coming through. I am going to test the solenoid tomorrow by hooking up cables to "hotwire" it to jump the system. Supposivly if the engine cranks but wont start my solenoid is shot. Or if I hotwire it from the battery to the starter and it doesnt work, eliminating the solenoid then its a connection problem or ignition. HELP ! True or false. And this is coming from a girl who does all the work on her truck herself!
Monday, October 3rd, 2011 AT 8:26 PM

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  • 34,064 POSTS
Jumping stuff is a complicated and time-consuming way to find the problem. Instead, grab a test light and a helper to turn the ignition switch.

Do you hear a loud clunk from the solenoid engaging? If so, the problem is in the solenoid or the positive battery cable. Touch the probe of the grounded test light right to the large terminal on the starter. It should be bright. If it goes out when your helper turns the ignition switch to "crank", suspect the cable. If the light stays bright, suspect the solenoid.

If you don't hear the solenoid clunk, use the test light to check for voltage on the smaller starter wire when the ignition switch is in "crank".
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Monday, October 3rd, 2011 AT 9:02 PM

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