I had to have my cougar towed in, as the battery (new) would not hold a charge. But when it was running with a jump, they interior door lights, over head lights, truck light and under the hood light were working. Picked it up yesterday and now they are'nt working at all. Check fuse panel in passenger area, and three fuses were blown, they were replaced. Lights came on for a couple of seconds and the fuses blew again. All three. Work done when towed in, is as follows: alternator replaced, engine freeze plug replaced, manigold gasket replaced, thermostate and gasket with housing replaced, coolant bypass hose replaced, radiator cap replaced, muffler replaced, emergency brake cables, including rear, intemediate, and parking brake cable replaces, as well as rear wheel stud, and nut replaced. All cost me $1145.00. Would any of this work cause the problems with the interior lights? Hope someone can help me.
Sunday, January 20th, 2013 AT 5:44 PM