I will drive around for awhile and the temperature gauge will sit below halfway and after awhile it will move upward toward H in a matter of seconds. Hitting around H, it will will drop back down about the middle of the gauge and then move back up toward H in a matter of a few seconds. Sometimes I can tap on the gauge cluster covering it and will bring it back down on certain occasions. The reservoir tends to overfill after I drive around for a bit and then it spills out onto the road.
I opened the hood of the car after it has neared H and even on H and it seems normal just as if its been running around the mid-line of the gauge.
I was just wondering if it could be a bad temperature sender, bad temperature gauge in my car, or a bad radiator cap. I checked my oil and did not see any radiator fluid present on the dip stick nor did I see any oil in my radiator fluid.
Friday, April 22nd, 2011 AT 3:53 AM