Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 AT 7:01 PM
I just replaced a stud for the timing tension and put the new timing belt on and lined up all the marks and had Number 1 at TDC. And I was wondering how do you know if the valves are right for the cam. Setting. And the truck pops after turning a few times but does not start. Could I have missed the TDC and am on a stroke where the valves are open. And if so what do I do to change the valves to the right setting. It started just the tensioner stud broke and now wont run at all. Plus the cam has no mark on the case and I am just guessing it is in the right position plus the book states it is in this area. So I think its right. Would there be some other reason like a bent valve causing it not to start. I don't know how long it ran after the stud broke and could have bent a valve but sounds like it has compression and not just blowing air. Please help.