What is the relationship between automatic transmission and brake fluid, on the operation of the car

  • 2006 HONDA FIT
  • 1.3L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 220,000 MILES
If select park sometimes it locks in park and never comes out and if you put wrong oil which is not CVT does it affect the performance of my gearbox as in picking speed etc.
Friday, October 12th, 2018 AT 7:08 AM

1 Reply

  • 109,936 POSTS
Hi and thanks for using 2CarPros. Com.

You must use CVT transmission fluid. There are friction modifiers in the CVT transmission fluid that are not in traditional transmission fluids. It will not happen immediately, but eventually the internal components of a CVT transmission will fail as a result. Keep in mind, the standard fluid -vs- CVT fluid ratio will determine the amount of time it takes.

Since the two are mixed at this point, the system should be power flushed to remove all of the wrong fluid.

If the vehicle stays locked in park, that is a different issue. The vehicle has a park lock solenoid as a safety feature. It will not shift from park unless the brake pedal is depressed. Now, if it does not release when pressing the brake, suspect either a bad brake light switch or the park lock solenoid may be going bad and not releasing. The brake light switch provides power to the actuator/solenoid to release it.

To determine if it is the brake light switch is failing, check to see if the brake lights turn on when this happens. If they do not, suspect a bad switch.

Let me know if you have other questions.

Take care,
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Friday, October 12th, 2018 AT 5:11 PM

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