Depends which calipers are back there, ATE or Bendix Girling, here's how for both. ATE calipers have two pins that go thru the pads...
Removal & Installation (ATE) 1. Raise and support vehicle. Mark position of wheel in relation to hub for reassembly reference. Remove tire and wheel. Remove brake pads retaining pins using drift and hammer. Remove brake pads retaining spring clips. Compress caliper pistons and remove brake pads. 2. Seat pistons in caliper bore with Piston Tool (2809). To avoid brake squealing, check piston position by installing Template (2919). Piston recess should incline 20 degrees in relation to lower guide area on caliper. See Fig. 1 . Fig. 1: Checking ATE Rear Caliper Piston Angle To Avoid Brake Squeal Courtesy of VOLVO CARS OF NORTH AMERICA. 3. If distance from one piston recess to the other recess at measurement "A" exceeds .04" (1 mm), adjust piston position using Adjuster (2918) to rotate piston. See Fig. 1 . 4. Install intermediate plates (if equipped) or damper washers (if equipped) in original positions. Install new brake pads and ALWAYS install new brake pad tensioning spring. Install and tap one retaining guide pin into position. Install new tensioning spring. Install other retaining guide pin while holding tensioning spring in position. Removal & Installation (Bendix & Girling) 1. Raise and support vehicle. Mark position of wheel in relation to hub for reassembly reference. Remove tire and wheel. Loosen caliper upper guide pin bolt and remove caliper lower guide pin bolt only from brake pad holder assembly. Swing caliper upward and remove pads. Compress caliper pistons. 2. Inspect rubber guide pin covers and replace if defective. Install brake pads to holder and swing caliper into position. Ensure brake pad tension spring is in proper position. Tighten guide pin bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS table at end of this article. CAUTION: It is possible brake fluid may overflow from reservoir when depressing pistons. NOTE: Install the damper washers with the small contact face toward pad. DO NOT install intermediate plates in calipers equipped with damper washers. CAUTION: It is possible brake fluid may overflow from reservoir when depressing pistons. Page 1 of 1 2/27/2010 ...

Top= ATE, Middle= Girling, Bottom= Bendix...

Saturday, February 27th, 2010 AT 9:12 AM