95 VW Jetta GL III studdering

My vw studders sometimes while driving around it decreases whent at high RPMs changed out the plugs wires distro cap and rotor still studders at times it is more an annoyance then an break down issue right now. Had a craft shop do a dio with a II it cam back with a few code like 00513 engine speed sensor g28 no signal, 00533 idle air control reg exceeded 00522 coolent temp sensor g62 open cir shorth with power
someone please help
Sunday, June 17th, 2007 AT 8:23 PM

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Can you give us a bit more information on your problem, Is the car running rich, can you smell alot of gas as your driving, im assuming its a 4cyl being a GL. Is the problem there when ideling. Is it intermittent. This will all help to determine if it is ignition based or if it is computer based (electrical sensors and the like). Your engine speed sensor and your idle air control would be a great place to start, find out how much to replace you engine speed sensor and I believe that there is a sensor for the idle air control, both of these issues could cause the problems your reporting. Get back to us with more information.
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Saturday, June 23rd, 2007 AT 11:22 AM

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