Saturday, March 24th, 2018 AT 6:43 PM
It all started one morning, I went to work car was running fine. So I get to work shut it off and when I get in it to go home it started to have a rough idle, it was hard to keep it running at stop signs and low idles. It ran good on the freeway but when I got into town rough idle, had to keep it running. When taking off from a stop sign I would have to shift into second {automatic} to keep it from stuttering. On straightaways after it shifted into high gear I would have to put it back in second to keep it going. Then finally one morning it actually shut off on the way to work, I let set for about twenty seconds or so it started back up shut off again after about one mile. Made it to work after it would start but shut off when put in gear. Had to tow it home. I replaced the plugs, wires, map sensor, coolant temperature sensor, transmission temperature sensor and IAC valve, still no change.