There is only one set of directions for removal. Here they are. Note that the primary directions are included in the attached pics.
2009 Mercedes Benz E 550 4MATIC (211.090) V8-5.5L (273.962)
AR26.10-P-0030NKB Remove/Install Bushing of Transmission Mounting
Vehicle Transmission and Drivetrain Manual Transmission/Transaxle Transmission Mount Service and Repair Removal and Replacement AR26.10-P-0030NKB Remove/Install Bushing of Transmission Mounting
AR26.10-P-0030NKB Remove/install Bushing Of Transmission Mounting
TRANSMISSION 711.6 in MODEL 117, 176, 242, 246
TRANSMISSION 724.0 in MODEL 117 (except 117.352/952), 176 (except 176.052), 242, 246
pic 1
Shown on model 246 with engine 270 and dual clutch transmission
1 Air cleaner housing
2 Bracket
3 Transmission mount
4 Screw
5 Dual clutch transmission
6 Screw
7 Longitudinal member
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6
pic 7
pic 8
pic 9
This is everything I have from the manual. I hope it helps. Let me know if you have other questions.
Take care,
Images (Click to make bigger)
Monday, August 17th, 2020 AT 2:16 PM