It didn't make any noise when it happened. All fuses are good. Replace both shift solenoids. TCC Solenoid replaces. New Transmission filter. New VSS. Scanned it multiple times in the last three weeks no codes for transmission or ABS to this topic. Yesterday I scanned it. 9 DTC codes came up for Transmission, so I figured it had to be electrical. So, I check to see if power was at solenoids in the pan of transmission and there was. Went to check vss. Nothing at all. What should I do now? Thank you for any help. I've been stranded in another state. Spent close to $2,500.00 on this issue. Only because of parts, taxi cabs, and multiple. I mean each trip to auto parts store $50.00. And on top of it I was very limited on tools. And trying to do this in a foot and a half of snow. I've got no one to look to.
Monday, December 19th, 2022 AT 12:22 AM