1992 Toyota Corolla Air conditioning and engine trouble

  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 195,361 MILES
Ok I have 2 questions. I bought this car to use it while I am going to college. When I bought it the check engine light was on. I asked about it and they said it had come on about 6 days before and hadn't had the time to check it out. When you start it up sometimes it runs smooth, other times it runs real rough and it is not getting the gas milage it should. My husband thought it might be a dead hole so he tested it and it ran fine. When he removed the 4th injector it didn't change the way it ran. COuld the injector be bad? I ran lucas in it and it ran better, but not as good as it should. Should I keep running lucus in it until it runs better? Now the ac for some reason was unhooked. They told my husband it is a presure switch that is bad. Is that possible? Is the toyota freon 134 or is it old stuff stock? Also they wired the cooling fan weird. It comes on as soon as you turn the key? My husband said it was called direct wiring. Could that cause some of the problems also?
Monday, August 17th, 2009 AT 5:36 PM

2 Replies

  • 31,937 POSTS
Hi there,

You will need to get a scan first to check the set fault cone in the ECU, this will give an indication as to the engine miss fire, The A/C should be tested by a qualified A/C tech first, this would normally be the R12 gas, but it may have been retro fitted, so you will need a tech to check this, the charging ports are different the old style are screw on fittings, and there should be a sticker to tell your the gas used.

Mark (mhpautos)
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Monday, August 17th, 2009 AT 5:45 PM
  • 8,548 POSTS
As Mark pointed out it came from factory with R12, but may have been retrofitted to R134A. Have an AC tech check it, by law R12 and R134A cannot be vented to atmosphere, but must be recaptured.

Look for diagnostic port in engine compartment, usually on left side shock tower, with ign. Off, short B1 and Te1, turn ign. To "ON" (do not start). Checl engine light will flash codes (flash, pause, flash, flash is code 12).

The fan will run all the time if the fan switch is bad or connector is loose or removed.
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Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 AT 9:12 AM

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