Every so often upon turning my engine off, backfire occurs within the Area of the Carburetor. Air intake, and intake manifold. I regularly use carbon cleaner and stay on top of maintenance. I just replaced my distributor, all wires, rotor, fuel filter, oxygen sensor, spark plugs and a new battery. The car starts up quick but does idle at a high rpm upon start up and rpms slowly rise. If I do not give it a rev, it will continue to increase and continue at a high rpm for a short while till the engine warms, then it will drop to normal idle.
I know components to consider which could be causing these issues: MAF, AIC, Fuel Pump, Intake manifold, Air intake Manifold, Vacuum leaks, Fuel Filter. However, I would like someone to try to narrow it down to the one thing responsible, if they can.
Your feedback will be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.
Thursday, November 12th, 2009 AT 4:42 AM