1999 Toyota Camry instrument lights

  • 4 CYL
  • AWD
  • 80,000 MILES
My wife car has been acting up when she starts the car and shifts into reverse, the symbol for bulb missing or burnt out comes on. The taill lights on the trunk portion of the car also does not light, Checked all the fuses under the hood can't find the problem. Also check for burnt out bulbs nothing wrong, seems strange that they all went out at the same time. Also when you use the left turn signal it flasses twice as fast as the right one. I think this is all related to what ever is causing the problem. I don't know if this is a relay problem or even where to look for it. Any help that you coul give me will be very much appreceiated.
Thursday, December 11th, 2008 AT 3:53 PM

1 Reply

  • 33 POSTS
Hi Keith- I think you have 2 problems. First check the turn signal bulbs. If they are good, the problem is most likely in the left front turn signal socket. The socket gets power to the bulb and also grips the bulb. Over time it starts to lose it's grip and the circuit acts like a bulb is out by flashing rapidly. Turn your left signal on and give the left front corner lens a smack-I'll bet it behaves for a bit. A new socket is available at dealers for around 20-30 dollars. If all your rear bulbs are good and the third brake light bulb is the correct wattage (even a slight difference in wattage will make the warning light come on) check for broken wires in the trunk harness. The harness is attached to the driver side trunk hinge. They usually break where it bends with the open/close motion.
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Friday, December 12th, 2008 AT 11:13 PM

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