Pry the bezel off around the radio and cd player, it is held in with only two clips on each lower side. Roll the bottom upward to release the rolled lip from the main bezel around the intrument cluster. Remove the two lower screws. Remove the two screws just above the instrument cluster. Pull outward and work the four or five clips free. Remove the wiring harnesses and uncllip the plate that holds the alarm LED and push it through to finally remove the main bezel. Remove the four screws that hold down the instrument cluster. Carefully pull the cluster forward making sure not to short it out. The lights are pressed into little baynet holders. Get the small ones from the dealer as the replacement ones don't fit. The larger replacement lights work fine but the little green condom covers won't transfer over. Don't worry about it, they work fine without them. Put it back together in reverse order.
Sunday, March 16th, 2008 AT 12:49 AM