1993 Toyota Camry V6 Front Wheel Drive Automatic 127000 miles
Hi, I'm looking to purchase a used car for my wife and dont want to spend alot of money on fixing it up. I've been looking around and have test driven quite a few. The one that I'm intrested in is a 1993 toyota camry. Everything that I noticed about the car seems to be in pretty good of shape! Runs like a brand new car! I don't hear any noise, breaks perfect! I did notice that when I make a left or right turn it makes a noise that sounds like gluck gluck gluck. Im not sure what it is? I was thinking it could possibly be the CV boot, or drive axle. The owner said it may possibly be the manifold, but I dont agree with that. What do you think some of the possibilities may be? I just want to know so I can check around for prices before I actually make the decision in purchasing the car and end up pouring alot of money into it! Also, During driving you can hear a noise, it's actually not very noticeable. It gets louder when you accelerate Could that be the muffler? I noticed the engine revs high while Idle, but during acceleration, or staying at a constant speed it's fine. Could that be a problem that needs to be fixed? Or is that something common in these vehicles?
Saturday, December 8th, 2007 AT 7:06 PM